Conquer the world with the support of our startup community
Our idea is to provide a path from idea to teaming up, starting a business, and growing internationally – so if you are just dreaming big, have a startup or an established company (new or old) we are there for you!StartingUp – your first step as a future entrepreneur
In the StartingUp workshops, you will learn entrepreneurial skills like sales and branding and get knowhow from calculations like profitability calculation. There are comments on the subject and support from experts as well as other entrepreneurs. The workshops are open the year-round and offer help for developing your idea, identifying your customers, marketing, sales and financing. These sessions are held in Finnish.
TeamingUp – build your dream come true startup
The TeamingUp workshops help you with building a successful startup business. Workshop aim at bringing ideas and people together. There are two workshops that are arranged under different themes: business model canvas tool and a startup reality check.
Join the workshop with an open mind – maybe you will find just the right team for dreaming big time! These workshops are held in English.
BusinessUp and Startup Journey
– intensive weeks
Every year held accelerator programme looks into a building and crystallising the value promise of growth-seeking start-ups, as well as other subject matters important to start-ups. You can apply for the programme with a ripe idea or an existing new company. In addition to the shared programme, each team is coached by its dedicated mentor. You can also ask about accelerators for a specific line of business. Students can earn student credits from both programs.
Both accelerators are held in English.
LevelUp – when it’s time to move on to the next level
LevelUp offers support for startups in business development, enhancing R&D activities, and arranging to finance for companies in operation. We will help you with building partnerships and finding knowledgeable employees. We work in close co-operation with and as a messenger between the local enterprises, universities, universities of applied sciences, financiers, and R&D organisations. Your company has access to our broad local, national and international networks. Once you have applied and got in you have access to SparkUp office premises and you can have a shared room for a year for free of charge.